Friday, September 27, 2019

Facebook vs Twitter Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Facebook vs Twitter - Case Study Example Undoubtedly, malicious virus attacks appear to be the most potent challenge to Facebook. Due to this problem, thousands of people lose access to their accounts. In addition, computer hackers intrude into Facebook IDs and steal users’ confidential information. The â€Å"Facebook’s mission is to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected† (as cited in Reagan, 2009). However, growing governmental interventions and regulations including ban raise potential challenges to Facebook in some countries like China. Hence, the company has to struggle a lot to make its mission achievable. Market competitors like Twitter and Myspace are turning out to be a significant threat to Facebook. Last but not the least, many social interests groups raise their voice against Facebook, arguing that this website is a major reason of time wastage. Evidently, Facebook’s major competitor Twitter is the greatest challenge/threat to the company. Twitter has attained worldwide popularity and this website has the strength of over 500 million active users as of 2012. In addition, high profile people like celebrities and politicians prefer Twitter to Facebook. This situation may contribute to an increase in the level of Twitter traffic over the coming years. In order to manage the threat of Twitter, it is advisable for the Facebook to integrate more customized page features and applications. It is also recommendable to take efforts to ensure the presence of high profile celebrities on Facebook. Finally, the company should make financial incentive provisions for Facebook promoters. Possibly, the involvement of high profile people may be the best strategy for the Facebook to defend the threats from Twitter.

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